Source code for MLV_toolbox.computeLength
from .VecLD import VecLD
import numpy as np
[docs]def computeLength(self):
Computes the length for the contours in the vectorized line drawing `vecLD`.
vecLD (dict): A dictionary representing the vectorized line drawing data structure that has length information added via the function.
vecLD.lengths = []
vecLD.contourLengths = np.zeros((vecLD.numContours, 1))
for c in range(vecLD.numContours):
thisCon = vecLD.contours[c]
x_diff = thisCon[:, 2] - thisCon[:, 0]
y_diff = thisCon[:, 3] - thisCon[:, 1]
lengths = np.sqrt(x_diff**2 + y_diff**2)
vecLD.contourLengths[c, 0] = np.sum(lengths)
setattr(VecLD, 'computeLength', computeLength)