Source code for MLV_toolbox.computeOrientation
from .VecLD import VecLD
import numpy as np
[docs]def computeOrientation(vecLD: VecLD):
Computes orientations for the contours in the vectorized line drawing vecLD.
Note that this computes orientations from 0 to 360 degrees. To obtain
orientation from 0 to 180, use ori % 180.
vecLD (VecLD): A VecLD object containing contour data.
vecLD.orientations = np.empty(())
for c in range(vecLD.numContours):
thisCon = vecLD.contours[c]
y_diff = thisCon[:, 1] - thisCon[:, 3]
x_diff = thisCon[:, 2] - thisCon[:, 0]
ori = np.arctan2(y_diff, x_diff) * 180 / np.pi
ori = np.mod(ori, 360)
vecLD.orientations[c] = ori
vecLD.contours[c] = thisCon
setattr(VecLD, 'computeOrientation', computeOrientation)