Source code for MLV_toolbox.removeZeroLengthContours
from .VecLD import VecLD
from .computeLength import computeLength
import numpy as np
[docs]def removeZeroLengthContours(vecLD: VecLD):
Removes contours that only consist of one pixel from a VecLD object.
vecLD (VecLD): A VecLD object containing contour data.
resultLD (VecLD): vectorized line drawing wiht zero-length contours removed
contourIdxRemoved (np.ndarray): indices of contours in vecLD that were removed
TypeError: If vecLD is not a VecLD object.
if 'contourLengths' not in vecLD:
vecLD = computeLength(vecLD)
contourIdxRemoved = np.where(vecLD.contourLengths == 0)[0]
keepIdx = np.where(vecLD.contourLengths > 0)[0]
return VecLD(
originalImage = vecLD.originalImage,
imsize = vecLD.imsize,
lineMethod = vecLD.lineMethod,
numContours = len(keepIdx),
contours = vecLD.contours[keepIdx]
setattr(VecLD, 'removeZeroLengthContours', removeZeroLengthContours)